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    PZFlex Development of a 35-MHz Piezo-Composite Ultrasound Array for Medical Imaging

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  • 更新时间:2011-07-26
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  • 文件描述:PZFlex Development of a 35-MHz Piezo-Composite Ultrasound Array for Medical Imaging


This paper discusses the development of a 64-element 35-MHz composite ultrasonic array. This array was designed primarily for ocular imaging applications, and features 2-2 composite elements mechanically diced out of a fine-grain high-density Navy Type VI ceramic. Array elements
were spaced at a 50-micron pitch, interconnected via a custom flexible circuit and matched to the 50-ohm system electronics via a 75-ohm transmission line coaxial cable. Elevation focusing was achieved using a cylindrically shaped epoxy lens. One functional 64-element array was fabricated and tested. Bandwidths averaging 55%, 23-dB insertion loss, and crosstalk less than 24 dB were measured. An image of a tungsten wire target phantom was acquired using a synthetic aperture reconstruction algorithm. The results from this imaging test demonstrate resolution
exceeding 50 um axially and 100 um laterally.

点击次数:  更新时间:2011-07-26  【打印此页】  【关闭