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    PZFlex Detection of Structural Defects in Pipes using Time Reversal of Guided Waves

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  • 更新时间:2011-09-15
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  • 文件描述:PZFlex Detection of Structural Defects in Pipes using Time Reversal of Guided Waves

PZFlex Detection of Structural Defects in Pipes using Time Reversal of Guided Waves


Abstract—Structural health monitoring of buried pipelines is of vital importance as infrastructures age. Ultrasonic guided waves are a popular method for inspecting buried pipes, due to their potential for long propagation. Unfortunately, the large number of wave modes present, and the effects of dispersion, in a pipeline make analysis of the received signals difficult. We plan to use Time Reversal Acoustics to compensate for these complex signals,
and improve performance for the detection of faults in a pipeline. We will present theoretical performance results for conventional and Time Reversal detectors, verified with simulations conducted in PZFlex. Time Reversal shows a potential for a reduction in the power requirements of a fault detection system.
Index Terms—Time Reversal, structural health monitoring, dispersion, buried pipelines, PZFlex

点击次数:  更新时间:2011-09-15  【打印此页】  【关闭